Tuesday 27 February 2018

The Creative Cabo.

The Cabo to Gata seems to attract a lot of highly talented graffiti artists and there are many striking images to be found in the strangest places. This is especially true of Rodalquilar with its large number of ruined miner’s cottages and the strange deserted buildings of the old goldmine.

I’m often puzzled as to how the artists managed to decorate some of the harder to reach parts of the goldmine!

This area has inspired creativity for a long time. A great many films have been made around here, e.g. Lawrence of Arabia, Indiana Jones, as well as many westerns. Film buffs can follow the “rutas del cine” and see the places where various scenes were shot.
In Almeria city there is a statue to John Lennon who wrote his song “Strawberry Fields” while staying there when taking part in the making of the film, How I Won the War.

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